How can you switch your current windows from horizontal split to vertical split and vice versa in Vim?
I did that a moment ago by accident but I cannot find the key again.
Vim mailing list says (re-formatted for better readability):
To change two vertically split windows to horizonally split
Ctrl-w t Ctrl-w K
Horizontally to vertically:
Ctrl-w t Ctrl-w H
Ctrl-w t makes the first (topleft) window current
Ctrl-w K moves the current window to full-width at the very top
Ctrl-w H moves the current window to full-height at far left
Note that the t is lowercase, and the K and H are uppercase.
Also, with only two windows, it seems like you can drop the Ctrl-w t part because if you're already in one of only two windows, what's the point of making it current?
Horizontal to vertical split
Ctrl+W for window command, followed by Shift+H or Shift+L
Vertical to horizontal split
Ctrl+W for window command, followed by Shift+K or Shift+J
Both solutions apply when only two windows exist.
Add both of these lines to .vimrc
cabbrev help vert help
cabbrev h vert h
:vert[ical] {cmd}
always executes the cmd
in a vertically split window.
Inspired by Steve answer, I wrote simple function that toggles between vertical and horizontal splits for all windows in current tab. You can bind it to mapping like in the last line below.
function! ToggleWindowHorizontalVerticalSplit()
if !exists('t:splitType')
let t:splitType = 'vertical'
if t:splitType == 'vertical' " is vertical switch to horizontal
windo wincmd K
let t:splitType = 'horizontal'
else " is horizontal switch to vertical
windo wincmd H
let t:splitType = 'vertical'
nnoremap <silent> <leader>wt :call ToggleWindowHorizontalVerticalSplit()<cr>
Following Mark Rushakoff's tip above, here is my mapping:
" vertical to horizontal ( | -> -- )
noremap <c-w>- <c-w>t<c-w>K
" horizontal to vertical ( -- -> | )
noremap <c-w>\| <c-w>t<c-w>H
noremap <c-w>\ <c-w>t<c-w>H
noremap <c-w>/ <c-w>t<c-w>H
Edit: use Ctrl-w r to swap two windows if they are not in the good order.