If comparing file sizes is all you need to do, look no further than the svnlook filesize
command. The default invocation - svnlook filesize repo path
- will give you the size of the HEAD revision of path
. To get the size of the path in the incoming commit use svnlook filesize repo path -t argv[2]
Still, here is an example of listing all revisions of a versioned path (except the incoming one, since this is pre-commit hook).
#!/usr/bin/env python
from sys import argv, stderr, exit
from subprocess import check_output
repo = argv[1]
transaction = argv[2]
def path_history(path, limit=5):
path = '/%s' % path
cmd = ('svnlook', 'history', '-l', str(limit), repo, path)
out = check_output(cmd).splitlines()[2:]
for rev, _path in (i.split() for i in out):
if _path == path:
yield rev
def commit_changes():
cmd = ('svnlook', 'changed', repo, '-t', transaction)
out = check_output(cmd).splitlines()
for line in out:
yield line.split()
def filesize(path, rev=None, trans=None):
cmd = ['svnlook', 'filesize', repo, path]
if rev: cmd.extend(('-r', str(rev)))
elif trans: cmd.extend(('-t', str(trans)))
out = check_output(cmd)
return out.rstrip()
def filesize_catwc(path, rev=None, trans=None):
'''A `svnlook filesize` substitute for older versions of svn.
Uses `svnlook cat ... | wc -c` and should be very inefficient
for large files.'''
arg = '-r %s' % rev if rev else '-t %s' % trans
cmd = 'svnlook cat %s %s %s | wc -c' % (arg, repo, path)
out = check_output(cmd, shell=True)
return out.rstrip()
for status, path in commit_changes():
if status in ('A', 'M', 'U'):
# get the last 5 revisions of the added/modified path
revisions = list(path_history(path))
headrev = revisions[0]
oldsize = filesize(path, rev=headrev)
newsize = filesize(path, trans=transaction)