I'm using WebLogic JWSC ant task to generate WebLogic Web Service artifacts from existing wsdl. JWSC generates all the required files and archives them in an ear file.
Since I don't want JWSC task to create a new application.xml, I use applicationXml attribute of the JWSC task by pointing the location of the existing application.xml. Then JWSC task updates the application.xml by adding a new <module>
tag successfully. Inside the module tag there is <web-uri>
tag. web-uri
defines the location of the WAR file. So far so good.
If I set explode attribute to true, the task doesn't create an ear file, put all the required files inside a directory. JWSC task also update the specified application.xml too, but this time it puts the exloded directory's name to web-uri tag without the .war extension altough it is wrong to put here a non war file name.
The correct format should be like that
If you don't realize the situation, WebLogic will not find the specified war file (without .war extension)
Does anyone know why JWSC updates the application.xml with a wrong web-uri ?