this is my first use of ivy+ant and after building the project from command line, i want to import it into eclipse juno. the project folder (trunk) contains the following folders/files:
- build
- dist
- src
- WebContent
- build.xml
- ivy.settings.xml
- ivy.xml
i tried to import the trunk folder that contains the above files/folder using import existing projects into workspace, but i get the error that no projects found.
pleases advise how to import this project.
UPDATE: i tried to configure the project for eclipse before importing using the following command:
ant eclipse-default
but i get the following error:
Target "eclipse-default" does not exist in the project
i was able to import the project in eclipse as follows
File > New > Other > Java Project From Existing Ant Buildfile
but when trying to run the project on server, i can't find run on server in the run options, please advise.