I have a reference set of data in a column of cells (it could have been a row, but whatever).
I want to go through several worksheets, checking a selected range of values and if the current cell value is in the reference data, use it as the value to paste into an Offset of the next series of cells until the current cell has changed to some new value in the reference data, at which time the paste process should repeat for the new value and next series of cells. e.g.
Sub doStuff()
Dim RefRange As Range, queryRange As Range, checkCell As Rnage
String pasteDate As String
Set RefRange = Range("A1:A50")
Set queryRange = .Selected
For Each checkCell In queryRange
If checkCell.Value IN RefRange <***here's where I don't know what to use ***>
pasteData = checkCell.Value
' Advance to next item
ElseIf checkCell.Value Not In queryRange <***here's where I don't know what to use ***>
ActiveCell.Offset(0,+1).Value = pasteData
End If
End Sub
I know how to do this in SQL, is there some similar method in VBA?
Select a, b from table where c in ('foo', 'bar', 'baz') OR
Select a, b from table where c in (select e from some_other_table)
method. – Jean-François Corbett