
I am trying to run doxygen on some source files for a project that I downloaded source files for. The files are located in the following directories:

  • doc/ - Documentation files, such as .dox files.

  • src/ - Source files

My settings in my doxygen.config file are:

INPUT                  = ../ .

FILE_PATTERNS          = *.h *.dox *.dxx

When I run doxygen (doxygen doxygen.config), it generates all of the documentation from the .h files correctly, but it does not generate the mainpage correctly. I have a file titled intro.dox in the doc folder, with a command \mainpage Documentation Index, and a bunch of text, but doxygen is not using this to generate the main page.

What am I doing wrong?


2 Answers


There are (at least) two possible reasons for this:

  1. You are not including the /doc directory in you INPUT list. Try modifying this to

    INPUT = ../ . ../doc

    Did you mean to write ../doc instead of ../? I am guessing that your doxygen.config file is in your src directory. If this is not the case can you make this clear in the question.

  2. Doxygen requires that your documentation files (your .dox files) are plain text with your text wrapped with Doxygen C++ comments (i.e. /** ... */).


Without knowing where doxygen.config is located, and since you are using relative paths in INPUT, it is difficult to determine what might cause this, however since the files you are looking for are in parallel directories, it is possible that doxygen is not search recursively for your files. You may want to confirm that RECURSIVE is set to YES in doxygen.config.