
I have a makefile, and a snippet looks like this (files and targets renamed for clarity):

target1 : OtherLib.o MyProg.h MyProg.cpp
    g++ -c ./MyProg.cpp -o $(BUILD_DIR)/MyProg.o

When I run 'make target1', I want make to check to see that MyProg.h and MyProg.cpp are up to date and run target1 if not. However, I am getting the error

make: *** No rule to make target `MyProg.cpp', needed by `target1'. Stop.

But 'MyProg.cpp' is what I'm trying to compile! So, I made an empty target for it, like this:

MyProg.h :
MyProg.cpp :
target1 : OtherLib.o MyProg.h MyProg.cpp
    g++ -c ./MyProg.cpp -o $(BUILD_DIR)/MyProg.o

This works, but it seems weird. I am under the impression that if I do simply this:

target1 : OtherLib.o
    g++ -c ./MyProg.cpp -o $(BUILD_DIR)/MyProg.o

then MyProg will be compiled regardless of whether or not it is up to date, because MyProg.cpp is not listed as a dependency. What is the right way to do this so that make will compile MyProg.o only if MyProg.cpp and MyProg.h are not up to date?


3 Answers


Doesn't seem like it ought to happen. Perhaps you should check carefully for a spelling error. If your OS hides file extensions from you I'd be suspicious of that in particular.


I'm not able to reproduce your problem. You can try running make with the -d option to get a very detailed history of what make is trying to do. My best guess is that it's looking in the wrong directory for some reason.


I think that as no executable called target1 is generated, your target target1 will actually be a phony target and the corresponding commands will always be executed. So your code will be compiled in any case.
Although I'm also unable to reproduce your problem : No rule to make target `MyProg.cpp'