
first of all sorry for dumb question, it's my first time here.

I'm trying to generate docset documentation from PostGis 2 and explore it with Dash, the snippet manager for MacOsX (http://kapeli.com/dash/).

There is an existing doxygen documention online here http://www.postgis.org/documentation/postgis-doxygen/, but I need to generate it on my machine.

I downloaded the last trunk from http://svn.osgeo.org/postgis/ , then ran doxygen including only some sub-directories:

-loader -macros -postgis -raster -regress -topology

and after I ran make in the doxygen html docs directory, tha t nicely produced a Postgis.docset file.

It goes all nicely, but the documentation is a mess, and missed all the comments already present in the docs of Postgis (/doc/ sub-folder).

Do someone have experience in that? Should I exclude/include other sub-folder or point somehow to the existing PostGis documentation in doxygen?

Thank you!


Thanks to Mike! I wasn't able to run ./configure and I had to re-download PostGIS code (2.0.1). The make doxygen ran fine changing the doxygen.cfg and doxygen.cfg.in file as suggested by Dash coder:


Anyway, the documentation looks awful, I was trying to produce something like the PostgreSQL docset. In the next step I want to generate the docset manually, linking the html file directly in the sqlite db present in the .docset . I have problem generating the html documentation in PostGIS

make chunked-html
make -C html/image_src images
make -C ../../../liblwgeom liblwgeom.la
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `liblwgeom.la'.  Stop.
make[1]: *** [../../../liblwgeom/.libs/liblwgeom.a] Error 2
make: *** [images] Error 2

any clue?


2 Answers


Thanks Mike for the prompt answer, but I wans't satisfied from doxygne output. Sorry I cannot vote your answer, because I don't have enough reputation. I ended up downloading the existing documentation from http://postgis.refractions.net/documentation/manual-2.0/ and created per-hand the sqlite db, packed everything in the docset, as explained here http://kapeli.com/docsets/. I'll post more detail, if someone in interested.


You can use make to build this for you. Also, make sure you have Graphviz installed on the PATH.

From the source root:

cd doc
make doxygen

To build the other components of the documentation, see doc/README.