
I found a Vim auto pair plugin called vim-autoclose. It works great just like other IDEs. For example, when you type { it gives you {|} (the "|" represents the cursor). Then, if you press "Enter", the {|} becomes:




This is what I need, but unfortunately it disables my Chinese input method application,so I have to abandon it.

I have tried other autoclose plugins, but none of them can auto close in this way. I found a way to make auto close work like the way above.

:autocmd FileType c,java,javascript ino <buffer> { <C-G>u{<CR>}<Esc>O<C-T>

But it has a problem with the shiftwidth. For example, if I :set shiftwidth=4 the new line between {} will have an 8 space indent. The indent in the new line doubles the shiftwidth.

My question is how to set the indent of the new line to the same space indent of shiftwidth?


2 Answers

inoremap { {<CR><CR>}<C-o>k<C-o>S

seems to work.


After setting set ai and set smartindent in vimrc

Use the following

inoremap {<CR> {<CR>}<ESC>O

should work. The last character is capital O, not zero.