
I have 2 web sites in my Azure account and I would like to access the second one via FTP, however, when I load up the FTP site I am getting the FTP area for the first site and I cannot see any data for my second site.

My first site is a straightforward web site, but the second is an Orchard template. I was expecting to see the Orchard folder structure when I accessed the FTP area but seems only the first site is accessible via FTP.

I have looked at other threads about setting up your own FTP but I would like to avoid doing that until it is absolutely necessary.

So my question: Does anyone know if the Orchard website, generated by Azure, is accessible via FTP, or to get access can I safely reset the credentials from the dashboard on the second website so it has its own FTP area via an individual set of credentials?


1 Answers


I believe the username you use for FTP should be <web site name>\<username>, so you should already have different credentials for the two sites. Can you confirm you're using the right credentials to try to access the Orchard site? Check the "deployment user" on the right-hand side in the portal and make sure you're using that.