
I'm trying to use VBA to extract and manipulate data from a pivot table. My pivot table has three Row labels (D_Campaign, D_TL, D_Agent_Name).


For Each pt1 In pt.RowFields("D_Agent_Name").PivotItems
    Debug.Print pt1.Name
Next pt1

I can get a list of all the labels in 'D_Agent_Name'. However, what I would like, is a list of the labels in 'D_Agent_Name' for a given value of 'D_TL'. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

It may be easier to extract the data from the sourcedata of the pivot table.danielpiestrak

2 Answers


I think @gimp may be right that it's easier to deal with the source data, but here's something that works for me:

Sub PrintTLValues(AgentName As String)
Dim pt As Excel.PivotTable
Dim rfTL As Excel.PivotField
Dim rfAN As Excel.PivotField
Dim cell As Excel.Range

Set pt = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).PivotTables(1)
Set rfAN = pt.RowFields("D_Agent_Name")
Set rfTL = pt.RowFields("D_TL")
For Each cell In Intersect(pt.DataBodyRange.EntireRow, rfAN.DataRange)
    If cell.Value = AgentName Then
        Debug.Print Intersect(cell.EntireRow, rfTL.DataRange).Value
    End If
Next cell
End Sub

Call it like this:

GetTLValues "Michael"

I like programming pivot tables, and my experience is that there's usually more than one way to skin a pivot table cat :). A very helpful reference for programming to pivot table ranges can be found on Jon Peltier's site.


Got there in the end after Doug pointed me in the right direction.

Sub ptSelect()
    ' Select intersect of pivot table and output cell values to debug window
    Dim pt As PivotTable
    Dim ptSel As Range

    Set pt = Worksheets("Pivot Table").PivotTables("PT Sales Data")
    Set ptSel = Intersect(pt.PivotFields("D_Campaign").PivotItems("Acquisition").DataRange.EntireRow, pt.PivotFields("D_TL").DataRange)

    For Each Cell In ptSel
        Debug.Print Cell.Value
    Next Cell
End Sub

One thing I have noticed is that this requires the pivot table to be in the classic format, it won't work with the compact format in 2007.