I followed this totorial to create security role in weblogic: http://blog.whitehorses.nl/2010/01/29/weblogic-web-application-container-security-part-1/
I create in weblogic server group RobMon and user monitor with pass. Then I create this xml:
my web.xml:
and now I want to println role and principles:
Subject subject = Security.getCurrentSubject();
Set<Principal> allPrincipals = subject.getPrincipals();
for (Principal principal : allPrincipals) {
if (principal instanceof WLSGroupImpl) {
logger.error(principal.getName() + "??????????");
if (principal instanceof WLSUserImpl) {
logger.error(principal.getName() + "!!!!!!!!!!!");
user = principal.getName();
but this prints me something else what I want
it should println monitor and RobMon. What is wrong ?