
Is there any way to provide some command-line argument in order to skip all tests but one on some module? So I will not need to change pom.xml every time I will need to run another test?

For example, I want to create build configuration on TeamCity, and provide command-line arguments to run only single test in some module. Next time I will need to change it and run another test, and so on.

Perhaps it is not how CI is intended to be used, but still.

Did you see this topic? stackoverflow.com/questions/1873995/… and here some more: maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-surefire-plugin/examples/… other than these I could not find.Mauno Vähä
@MaunoV.Actually if there are several modules, the test will fail. I found the solution: -Dtest=TestName -DfailIfNoTests=falsejdevelop

3 Answers


I assume you've read the docs about running a single test under surefire? What they don't tell you is how to do that in a sub-module:

mvn test -Dtest=testname -pl subproject

Where subproject is the project containing that test. From the mvn man page:

-pl,--projects arg Comma-delimited list of specified reactor projects to build instead of all projects. A project can be specified by [groupId]:artifactId or by its relative path.


Other answers I see are not fully complete, for projects that depend on other sub-modules to be built. One option is to run mvn install to have the required jars to be installed into ~/.m2/..., but that option is not very "clean".

Following command will build the sub-modules, and run only the test class that is specified. This is to be run at parent module level. Also, no need to specify sub-module name.

mvn test -DfailIfNoTests=false -Dtest={test_class_name} -am

As an aside, this can also be mvn clean test -Dfa...... I have a habit of always running clean when running tests.

-am will make all the other sub-modules.
-DfailIfNoTests=false does not fail the entire process since we are not intending to run tests in other modules.
-pl option is not needed since -am is already building everything


In case the module to be tested depends on other projects, solution works by changing commands as:

mvn test -DfailIfNoTests=false -Dtest=testname -pl subproject