
I'm looking into the possibilities of hosting several websites in Windows Azure.

Right now, I have a dedicated server where I have developed a Windows Service which performs the following tasks every 5 minutes:

  • Looks at a table in a database
  • Finds new sites Creates the site in IIS
  • Creates the database on the SQL server
  • Deploys an MVC 3 package to IIS with parameters for connection strings and such

In Azure, I can't find a way to create a Website from PowerShell looking at the Cmdlets docs here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/jj152841.aspx

What looks strange, is that using the command line tools for Mac and Linux you can create new sites: https://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/manage/linux/other-resources/command-line-tools/#Commands_to_manage_your_web_sites


2 Answers


That's right, there is no PowerShell support for WAWS at the moment. Here is the answer from Microsoft on the WAWS forum: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/da-DK/windowsazurewebsitespreview/thread/f4e69962-a1ec-437f-b205-bb1664242ed2


You can install the cross platform tools on Windows. First install Node.js then run npm install azure -g.

You then have access to Windows Azure Web Sites tools. You can watch me demo the tools on this episode of WebCampsTV