It works, but you have to do some stuff by hand (especially if you want modules to work).
Follow these steps to get your thing working:
First create a usual Prism project with Bootstrapper, Shell and so on ..
Then get the UserControl with the regions that way, when you want to display it:
In the constructor of the UserControl let the ServiceLocator give you the RegionManager as parameter and do the following after InitializeComponent()
RegionManager.SetRegionManager(this, regionManager);
This sets the attatched dependency property to be used as RegionManager.RegionName="..." in Xaml.
And now you can either set the regions via RegionManager right now or pull up the whole bunch of Prism infrastructure to load some modules from config. Suppose you want to go the hard way.
Past this code at the bottom of your UserControl´s constructor, and modules will be loaded from App.config:
var catalog = new ConfigurationModuleCatalog
Store = new ConfigurationStore()
var logger = new TextLogger();
var moduleInitializer = new ModuleInitializer(ServiceLocator.Current, logger);
var moduleManager = new ModuleManager(moduleInitializer, catalog, logger);
I uploaded a little test project for you on my ftp server: