I am having a problem pushing the code from this tutorial: http://newsinternational.github.com/iot-assistant/ to heroku. I am at step five. When I issue the git push heroku master command, I get the error Permission denied (publickey). Fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly. I already tried: Permission denied (publickey) when deploying heroku code. fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly and https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/keys
1 Answers
Check your .ssh config for heroku. Go to the .ssh folder and open the config file
cd ~/.ssh
subl config
The 'subl' is for Sublime Text, but you can use whatever editor you wish. Look for the line "IdentityFile" and make sure it has the non public key listed:
IdentityFile "/Users/ircmullaney/.ssh/id_rsa"
IdentityFile "/Users/ircmullaney/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"
That did it for me.