
I want to Create a Windows Application that

Display :

  • all Web Application,

  • Sites Collection of Each web Applications,

  • Sites of Each Site Collection,

  • Sub-Sites of Each Sites,

  • All lists-Libraries of Each Site and Sub-Sites in Tree-view

here i don't want to Give any Static URL, on Application Start up That All Information Filled Automatically in Tree-view if SharePoint is Installed on that Computer.

Is this Possible ? if yes then how ?


2 Answers


.Net Managed Client Object Model: Fetch All Webs, Libraries, Items

In SharePoint 2010, we have 3 client object model.

  1. .Net Managed Client Object Model
  2. Silverlight
  3. ECMA Script / JavaScript

Today, I am presenting .NET Managed Client Object Model to retrieve all webs, libraries, items from SharePoint.

Prerequisites References for your desktop application:

1. Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll
2. Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll

My Custom Classes to feel like we are working on SharePoint Server Object model:

public class SPWeb
     public string WebGUID { get; set; }
     public string Title { get; set; }
     public string ServerRelativeUrl { get; set; }
     public string ParentType { get; set; }
     public SPBase Parent { get; set; }
 public class SPList
     public string ListGUID { get; set; }
     public string Title { get; set; }
     public string ParentWebUrl { get; set; }
     public string RootFolderServerRelativeUrl { get; set; }

public class SPFolder
     public string ID { get; set; }
     public string UniqueID { get; set; }
     public string Name { get; set; }
     public string Title { get; set; }
     public string ParentWebUrl { get; set; }
     public string ListName { get; set; }
     public string ServerRelativeUrl { get; set; }
     public string ParentFolderServerRelativeUrl { get; set; }

 public class SPListItem
     public string ID { get; set; }
     public string Name { get; set; }
     public string Title { get; set; }
     public string ServerRelativeUrl { get; set; }
     public string Modified { get; set; }
     public string ModifiedBy { get; set; }
     public string CreatedBy { get; set; }
     public string Size { get; set; }
     public string Created { get; set; }
     public string UniqueId { get; set; }
     public string ListName { get; set; }

Methods which is used to fetch Webs / libraries / Items:

public List<SPWeb> GetAllWebs(string webURL)
    var webColl = new List<SPWeb>();
    var currentWeb = _ctx.Site.OpenWeb(webURL);
    var allWebs = currentWeb.Webs;
    var webCollection = _ctx.LoadQuery(allWebs.Include(web => web.Title,
    web => web.Id, web => web.ServerRelativeUrl));
    webColl.AddRange(webCollection.Select(web => new SPWeb
                                  Title = web.Title,
                                  WebGUID = web.Id.ToString(),
                                  ServerRelativeUrl = web.ServerRelativeUrl
    catch (Exception ex)
      // error log
 return webColl;

public List<SPList> GetAllLibraries(string webURL)
   var listColl = new List<SPList>();
     var currentWeb = _ctx.Site.OpenWeb(webURL);
     var query = from list in currentWeb.Lists
                 where list.BaseType == BaseType.DocumentLibrary
                 select list;
     var AllLists = currentWeb.Lists;
     var listCollection = _ctx.LoadQuery(query.Include(myList => myList.Title,
                                   myList => myList.Id,
                                   myList => myList.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl,
                                   myList => myList.ParentWebUrl,
                                   myList => myList.Hidden,
                                   myList => myList.IsApplicationList));

  listColl.AddRange(from list in listCollection
                    where !list.Hidden
                    select new SPList
                        Title = list.Title,
                        ListGUID = list.Id.ToString(),
                        RootFolderServerRelativeUrl = list.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl,
                        ParentWebUrl = list.ParentWebUrl
   catch (Exception ex)
       // error log
  return listColl;

public List<SPFolder> GetAllFolder(string webURL, string listName, string folderName)
    var itemColl = new List<SPFolder>();
      var currentWeb = _ctx.Site.OpenWeb(webURL);
      var currentList = currentWeb.Lists.GetByTitle(listName);

      var query = new CamlQuery();

      if (folderName.Length > 0)
         query.FolderServerRelativeUrl = folderName;

      query.ViewXml = @"<View><Query><Where>
                             <FieldRef Name='ContentType' />
                             <Value Type='Text'>Document Set</Value>
                             <FieldRef Name='ContentType' />
                             <Value Type='Text'>Folder</Value>

      var listitems = currentList.GetItems(query);

  itemColl.AddRange(listitems.ToList().Select(item => new SPFolder()
                       ID = Convert.ToString(item["ID"]),
                       UniqueID = Convert.ToString(item["GUID"]),
                       ListName = listName,
                       ParentWebUrl = webURL,
                       Title = Convert.ToString(item["FileLeafRef"]),
                       Name = "folder",
                       ServerRelativeUrl = Convert.ToString(item["FileRef"])
  catch (Exception ex)
     // error log
  return itemColl;
public List<SPListItem> GetAllItems(string webURL, string listName, string folderName)
    var itemColl = new List<SPListItem>();
        var currentWeb = _ctx.Site.OpenWeb(webURL);
        var currentList = currentWeb.Lists.GetByTitle(listName);
        var query = new CamlQuery();

        if (folderName.Length > 0)
           query.FolderServerRelativeUrl = folderName;

        var myquery = from myitems in currentList.GetItems(query)
                      select myitems;

        var listitems = _ctx.LoadQuery(myquery.Include(myitem => myitem["ID"],
                                      myitem => myitem["FileLeafRef"],
                                      myitem => myitem["Modified"],
                                      myitem => myitem["File_x0020_Size"],
                                      myitem => myitem["Modified_x0020_By"],
                                      myitem => myitem["Created_x0020_By"],
                                      myitem => myitem["FileRef"],
                                      myitem => myitem["UniqueId"],


         foreach (var nitem in listitems.Select(item => new SPListItem
               ID = Convert.ToString(item["ID"]),
               ParentWebUrl = webURL,
               Title = Convert.ToString(item["FileLeafRef"]),
               Modified = item["Modified"] != null ?         Convert.ToString(item["Modified"]) : string.Empty, Size = item["File_x0020_Size"] != null ? Convert.ToString(item["File_x0020_Size"]) : string.Empty,
           CreatedBy = item["Created_x0020_By"] != null ? Convert.ToString(item["Created_x0020_By"]) : string.Empty,
           ModifiedBy = item["Modified_x0020_By"] != null ? Convert.ToString(item["Modified_x0020_By"]) : string.Empty,
           UniqueId = item["UniqueId"].ToString(),
           ServerRelativeUrl = Convert.ToString(item["FileRef"]),
           ListName = listName

catch (Exception ex)
     // error log
return itemColl;

For this I used following reference,


it may helps you Good Luck :-)


my code:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                var service = SPFarm.Local.Services.GetValue<SPWebService>(string.Empty);
                foreach (SPWebApplication webApplication in service.WebApplications)

private void ShowSiteCollection(IEnumerable<SPSite> sites)
            foreach (SPSite site in sites)
                using (site)
                    var rootWeb = site.RootWeb;
                    var node = new TreeNode(rootWeb.Title, rootWeb.Url);
                    if (rootWeb.Webs.Count > 0)
                        ShowWebCollection(rootWeb.Webs, (title, url) => node.ChildNodes.Add(new TreeNode(title, url)));


 private static void ShowWebCollection(SPWebCollection collection, Action<string, string> func)
            for (var i = 0; i < collection.Count; i++)
                var info = collection.WebsInfo[i];

                func.Invoke(info.Title, info.ServerRelativeUrl);

                if (collection[i].Webs.Count > 0)
                    ShowWebCollection(collection[i].Webs, func);

And method for getting list:

private static IEnumerable<List> GetSiteLists(string siteUrl)
            using (var context = new ClientContext(siteUrl))
                var query = from lists in context.Web.Lists
                            where !lists.Hidden
                            select lists;
                var siteLists = context.LoadQuery(query);

                return siteLists;

I don't claim, that the solution is the best, but it works. Good luck!