
I have a scenario where I would like the user to view multiple pushpins in Bing maps in a wp7 app. I used maplayer to make the cluster of pushpins, but I could not add an image to that pushpin dynamically in the cs file itself. By the way, I have not used the pushpin control in xaml. I'm just adding the pushpin object to the maplayer while looping through.

Here is my code:

maplayer layer = new maplayer();


for (int i = 0; i < lst.count; i++)

                    Pushpin mypin = new Pushpin();
                    watcher.Position.Location.Latitude = Convert.ToDouble(lst[i].Latitude);


                GeoCoordinate geo = new GeoCoordinate(watcher.Position.Location.Latitude, watcher.Position.Location.Longitude);
                mypin.Location = geo;

                mypin.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray);
                mypin.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White);
                mypin.Content = "My location";
                layer.AddChild(mypin, mypin.Location);
            map1.SetView(watcher.Position.Location, Status == true ? 5.0 : 3.0);


I have also tried using the image brush property to provide image source to pushpin but the pushpin itself goes invisible.

like this:

ImageBrush ib = new ImageBrush();

ib.ImageSource = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage(new Uri(@"Images/push.png", UriKind.Relative));

mypin.Background = ib; 

Please help me on this. I need this to be done without changing/adding datatemplate to pushpin from the xaml side.


1 Answers


This problem is covered in MSDN, on the page for Working With Pushpins. Here is the example given, where images are added directly to a layer on the map:

namespace WindowsPhoneApplication1
    public partial class MainPage : PhoneApplicationPage
        MapLayer imageLayer;

        public MainPage()

            //Create a layer to contain the pushpin images.
            imageLayer = new MapLayer();

        private GeoCoordinate mapCenter;

        private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

            // Retrieve the center of the current map view.
            mapCenter = map1.Center;

            // Define the image to use as the pushpin icon.
            Image pinImage = new Image();

            //Define the URI location of the image.
            pinImage.Source = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage(new Uri("bluepushpin.png", UriKind.Relative));

            //Define the image display properties.
            pinImage.Opacity = 0.8;
            pinImage.Stretch = System.Windows.Media.Stretch.None;

            // Put the image at the center of the view.
            PositionOrigin position = PositionOrigin.Center;
            imageLayer.AddChild(pinImage, mapCenter, position);
