
I have an array in my main

public var graphArray:Array = [1,2,3,4,5,6];

And I'm trying to access it from within a MovieClip that I've put on my timeline using:

var graph1scale:Number = MovieClip(root).graphArray[0]

It looks like it would make sense to me but when I try to run it I get this error:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

Am I wrong to be using MovieClip(root) to try and access it? I've only just started using external classes (this is my first project doing so) and usually I just do everything on the timeline. So MovieClip(root) is familiar to me but I guess it's not the right thing to do here.

Is there a way I can access vars from Main.as?


I realised MovieClip(root) did work all along but I was just calling on the array before the array was being defined in Main.as. I put a delay on calling graphArray and it worked.

Not sure how that makes sense though because the graphArray is the first thing I've defined in the whole main.as class


1 Answers


Try using this instead


This works for me on a test that you can see here:


And the source files here:
