I am developing a visualforce page for force.com site. I am using apex command link for do some action. the code is given below:
<li class="pill-none"><span>
<apex:commandLink action="{!processOnSelected}" reRender="windowOpenPanel">Print
<apex:param name="commandAtt" value="print"/>
<apex:outputPanel id="windowOpenPanel">
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!isOpen}">
<script type="text/javascript">
but is not going to class method processOnSelected(). It is giving js error
actionUrl.indexOf is not a function
below is my controller method code:
public void processOnSelected () {
String command = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('commandAtt');
idString = '';
Set<Id> selectedIdSet = new Set<Id>();
if (command=='print' || command=='payment') {
//wfdList = new List<WrapForDescription>();
for(WrapForDescription tmpList : wfdList) {
if(tmpList.checked) {
//WrapForDescription selected = new WrapForDescription();
//selected.wrapOpp = tmpList.wrapOpp;
idString+= tmpList.wrapOpp.Id+',';
idString = idString.substring(0, idString.length()-1);
else if (command=='onePDF') {
idString = id;
Blob idBlob = Blob.valueOf(idString);
idString = Encodingutil.base64Encode(idBlob);
if (command=='payment') {
page = 'beforePaymentAll';
AggregateResult oppSumAmount = [select SUM(Amount) total from Opportunity where Id IN :selectedIdSet];
//accObj = [select Name, convertCurrency(Unpaid_Opportunity_Amount__c), convertCurrency(Paid_Opportunity_Amount__c) from Account where Id =:accId];
unpaid_amount = (Decimal)oppSumAmount.get('total');
oppList = [Select Id, Name, convertCurrency(Opportunity.Amount), Opportunity.CloseDate, Opportunity.CurrencyIsoCode, Opportunity.SecretCode__c From Opportunity o where Id IN :selectedIdSet order by CloseDate desc];
oppListSize = oppList.Size();
This is the JS file which is giving error: http://invoicedetails.dev.cs16.force.com/faces/a4j/g/3_3_3.Finalorg.ajax4jsf.javascript.AjaxScript?rel=1339862070000
and error is giving in this line
var ask=actionUrl.indexOf('?')
what is wrong in my code. anybody please help me.