
Am new to wso2 , i have created a proxy service which consists of Insequence with endpoint.

Proxy service -> insequence -> endpoint (service Address in axis2).

When i try to test the Proxy service from soap UI ( with wsdl which got from management console ) , then the request format is not correct.

Following is the request msg which i see in soap UI

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">

Please let me know how to get proper WSDL for proxy service of WSO2 ESB .

repeated question. You can find additional details hereLSDeva

1 Answers


When you are creating/editing the proxy service, you can select the Publish WSDL option and give the WSDL as inline text, as a URL or as a Registry Resource. In this case you can give the WSDL available at your Axis2 service.