I Prefer to use a solution similar to Mr. Withers' answer. The main issue is how to deal with the unwanted and dreaded back button. It is easy to lock a document when it is opened, but there are many ways to close the XPage, and the user is not limited to just the navigation you provide but also can, as he stated, close the browser completely, use the back button, etc. So, the best way that I can think of is to create a few java objects which we will use in the application and session scopes.
The first step is to create a "LockedDocument" class. As we know, the documents are not serializable and we do not want to save the document itself in this object, we want to save the UNID and the time it was saved. We want to do it this way so that we can manage to clear the object after a given time (like thirty minutes to an hour). This class should also implement the comparable interface in order to sort the collection by this time so that the oldest documents are first and the newest documents are last.
Next we create another class that holds a list or a map with these LockedDocuments. This class must also have a thread (implement Runnable) that will check all documents every five minutes or so, I did not test this yet, but it should work). Any document that was locked thirty to sixty minutes ago (predefined) will be unlocked (deleted from the list). It is important that the list be sorted as described above and that the loop is "broken" when a time less than the locktime is reached in order to prevent unwanted processing.
The next step would be to include the user specific list in the sessionScope. This list is the LockedDocuments that this current user has. It is set when the user changes the document's status to editable, and is checked before the document is set to editable to prevent one document from being opened in multiple tabs by the same user. The lock is once again checked onquerysave(). Once a main page is opened, the lock is automatically released. The onquerysave() must also check to make sure the documents UNID is in the sessionScope list, or if the document is new before allowing a save.
quick recap
Any UNID saved in the applicationScope LockedDocumentList would not be editable by anyone unless it exists in their own sessionScope list.
It is possible to warn a user that their lockedTime is approaching and reset the timer.
The class containing a list with the locked documents must be a singleton
There are probably ways to improve this answer, and I am sure I am missing something. It is just a thought.
There might be a better way to handle this, but it is the best I found.