I have 2 websites (.net2 web-forms and the other one is .net4 mvc3) which are configured for the ASP.NET Single Sign-on feature. The web.config's machineKey element has the same attributes in both websites:
- validationKey="some key"
- decryptionKey="some key"
- validation="SHA1"
- decryption="AES"
Both websites share the same domain. web.config authentication -> forms has the same "name" attribute which is the name of the authentication cookie. Single sign-on doesn't work for me, websites simply overwrite each other's cookie with a different value.
This is on the live server. On staging exact same code is working fine and I'm having the single sign-on there.
I already spent a day on the issue, I think I checked everything I could and I'm almost sure it's not the code, but rather something with the server. Please help with your ideas and suggestions.