
I have a windows 2003 box setup with virtual box and I can't powershell to work with it.

I try this on my windows 7 machine

Get-Service –ComputerName myserver

I get back

Get-Service : Cannot open Service Control Manager on computer 'myserver'. This operation might require other privileges.
At Script1.ps1:2 char:4
+ gsv <<<<  -cn myserver
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-Service], InvalidOperationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.InvalidOperationException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetServiceCommand

While searching around I found I should try and use Enable-PSRemoting.

I did this and now when I try to use it I get

WinRM already is set up to receive requests on this machine. WinRM already is set up for remote management on this machine.

Yet I still get the same error. Is this because I am using a virtual machine? I setup the virtual OS to be on my domain and I can even use my AD account credentials to log in.

I can get other information back from it.

So it is not like I can't connect to it with powershell.

The accepted answer to this question might be of some help.Ken White
Ya not sure I went to that article but I keep getting "The RPC server is unavailable" everything I tried so far as failed to get rid of this error.chobo2
Firewall is active on server? have you tried with firewall off?CB.
Ya firewall is off. I actually turned them off on both computers.chobo2
I have same your issue if I run powershell with user with no administration credentials of remote server. Have you try run powershell with domain admin credentials or at least put in "administrators" local group of remote server your domain user? this will do the trick.CB.

5 Answers


With PowerShell V2 you've got two approachs for remote commands.

Commands with built-in remoting :

A small set of commands in PowerShell v2 have a -ComputerName parameter, which allows you to specify the target machine to access.





These commands do their own remoting either because the underlying infrastructure already supports remoting or they address scenarios that are of particular importance to system management. They are built on the top of DCOM and, on the access point of view, you can use them when you can establish a session with the remote machine with commands like NET.exe or PSExec.exe.

You are trying to use one of them and you've got a problem with credentials (-cred parameter), because your token credentials can't be used to establish an admin session to the remote machine.

The PowerShell remoting subsystem :

Before you can use PowerShell remoting to access a remote computer, the remoting service on that computer has to be explicitly enabled. You do so using the Enable-PSRemoting cmdlet. If you are working in workgroup you also need to enable the server to enter on your client computer with this command (on your client computer as administrator):

Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts *

Then, you will use New-PSSession Cmdlet (with -computername and -credentials) to create a session object. Then Invoke-Command (with -session and -scriptblock) cmdlet allows you to remotely invoke a scriptblock on another computer. This is the base element for most of the features in remoting. You can also use Enter-PSSession to establish an interactive (SSL like) PowerShell command line with the server.

Useful link : Layman’s guide to PowerShell 2.0 remoting

Test this :

$sess = New-PSSession -ComputerName myServer-Credential (Get-Credential)
Invoke-Command -Session $sess -ScriptBlock {get-service}
Remove-PSSession -Session $sess

If it is still important, here is my workaround:

I got an unprivileged user called 'usser' who wants powershell(v2) remoting from client A to server B.


  1. enable-psremoting on Targetserver B as admin
  2. Set-PSSessionConfiguration -Name Microsoft.PowerShell -ShowSecurityDescriptorUI on Targetserver B as admin
  3. Add "usser" with full privileges

Now comes the exciting part:

  1. sc sdshow scmanager on Targetserver B as admin

  2. Copy the SDDL output

  3. sc sdset scmanager (f.e.:)"D:(A;;CC;;;AU)(A;;CCLCRPRC;;;IU)(A;;CCLCRPRC;;;SU)(A;;CCLCRPWPRC;;;SY)(A;;KA;;;BA)S:(AU;FA;KA;;;WD)(AU;OIIOFA;GA;;;WD)" , in the Output you have to fill after this part (A;;CCLCRPWPRC;;;SY) this = (A;;KA;;;SID)

  4. SID stands of course for the SID of the unprivileged "usser"-user

  5. when everything should be fine, it will similiar looks like this :


Hope you will enjoy that little but complicated workaround.


Viewing and manipulating services requires administrative privileges on the target machine.

I was able to duplicate your error message by attempting to run Get-Service -ComputerName MyServer while logged in as a user account that doesn't have administrative rights to the server in question.

You can resolve this by either granting the workstation user account administrative privileges on the target server or by creating a a local group on the server and granting invocation privileges to members of that group. If you want to do the latter, see the following article.

msgoodies: Using a PS Session without having Administrative Permissions


Building on @scusi marcus's brilliant answer here:

Let's say I have an unprivileged/limited user called 'user1' who wants powershell(v2+) remoting from client machine A to targetserver B.


  1. From elevated powershell prompt on targetserver B, run enable-psremoting. Accept several Y/N dialog confirmations or else run with -force switch.
  2. In same elevated prompt as step 1, Set-PSSessionConfiguration -Name Microsoft.PowerShell -ShowSecurityDescriptorUI
  3. In the resulting dialog, add "user1". Read privileges should be sufficient unless you are planning on remotely manipulating services, in which case you will want Full Control.
  4. On targetserver B, from an elevated (non-powershell) prompt or as an administrator, run sc sdshow scmanager. Copy the SDDL output. May look something like this: D:(A;;CC;;;AU)(A;;CCLCRPRC;;;IU)(A;;CCLCRPRC;;;SU)(A;;CCLCRPWPRC;;;SY)(A;;KA;;;BA)S:(AU;FA;KA;;;WD)(AU;OIIOFA;GA;;;WD)

UPDATE: If we add the limited user to the target computer's Remote Management Users group, we can add (A;;LCRPWPDTLO;;;RM) to the D: portion of the above SDDL string, and skip steps 5 and 6 below.

  1. Determine the SID of the underprivileged user account (in our case, "user1"). (Hint: try wmic useraccount where name='user1' get sid)
  2. Insert the following text into the output we copied in step 5: (A;;KA;;;*SID*) where *SID* is the SID of the user determined in step 5. Insert it somewhere in a place before the S: part of the SDDL string retrieved in step 4. So now you should have a string looking something like this: D:(A;;CC;;;AU)(A;;CCLCRPRC;;;IU)(A;;CCLCRPRC;;;SU)(A;;CCLCRPWPRC;;;SY)(A;;KA;;;S-1-5-21-4233383628-1788409597-1873130553-1161)(A;;KA;;;BA)S:(AU;FA;KA;;;WD)(AU;OIIOFA;GA;;;WD)
  3. On targetserver B, run sc sdset scmanager followed by our new modified SDDL string. So the entire command would look something like this: sc sdset scmanager D:(A;;CC;;;AU)(A;;CCLCRPRC;;;IU)(A;;CCLCRPRC;;;SU)(A;;CCLCRPWPRC;;;SY)(A;;KA;;;S-1-5-21-4233383628-1788409597-1873130553-1161)(A;;KA;;;BA)S:(AU;FA;KA;;;WD)(AU;OIIOFA;GA;;;WD)

You should now be able to remotely access the Service Control Manager on the remote server while logged into client machine A as "user1".

On client machine A, you may find that when you run Get-Service –ComputerName remoteserver not all services are listed. You may need to repeat the above process (starting at step 4) for a specific service that you need remote access to, but which is not listed in your Get-Service output on client machine A. For instance, if the sqlserveragent service is not listed (but you know it is present on the targetserver), you would again log in to targetserver B and execute sc sdshow but this time not for scmanager but for the sqlserveragent service, so sc sdshow sqlserveragent. You would again receive some SDDL output that would need to be manipulated as above. At this point, it may be worth learning more about SDDL (Google it - this link was helpful for me), with the main caveat to watch for the D: and S: portions of the SDDL string and make sure you aren't messing with the S: part.


I know that this isn't the ideal answer to this question, but I was having a similar issue trying to use PowerShell to talk to a Windows 7 box. Turns out, WMI hadn't been installed with the native PSv2 that comes with Win7.

As soon as I installed v3 as part of the WMI 3.0 package, the problem solved itself. I'd suggest making sure that all the relevant WMI services are running on your server. Unless you have conflicts, I'd also recommend upgrading to WMI 3.0.