
After some time I always get an internal server error 500 when reloading the page a second time.

  • Clearing the cache fixes to problem for about 10 hours
  • Switching the browser lets me again load the page, gives me the error on second reload

Caching is not enabled for the search action. Only one module is affected, other modules work during the time the site is down.

Any ideas where to look? The symfony error logs are not really helpful the request does not even reach symfony.

What does your web server's error log say?jprofitt
Check Apache's error log then.mingos
You should consider turning display_errors on too php.net/manual/en/…Paul Bain
Some errors about missing routes but these are happening all the time (not my work) A lot of errors because of strange sf_cultures (see stackoverflow.com/questions/10330962/symfony-sf-culture-1-error) All this errors are not specific to the time before the site goes down.Rene Koller
Is the entire module down for everyone, or just for a single user/session?Jestep

1 Answers


This could be related to route caching. Try disabling your route cache in factories.yml and see if this helps.

For Example:

    class: sfPatternRouting
      load_configuration:               true
      suffix:                           ''
      default_module:                   default
      default_action:                   index
      debug:                            %SF_DEBUG%
      logging:                          %SF_LOGGING_ENABLED%
      generate_shortest_url:            true
      extra_parameters_as_query_string: true
      cache:                            ~