I have been developing a media player browser plugin for the past few month using Firebreath, but I do not think this is a Firebreath problem.
Currently I am stuck on this weird problem that occurs when one tries to reload the webpage containing the plugin. The image that was being displayed before the reload will stay stuck on the top of screen. The new reloaded plugin will be alive and well behind it but the old image will stay stuck their on the screen forever. If I scroll or resize the browser or even change URLs the image will stay put, however If I move the browser the image will follow. The image stays after closing a tab, but leaves when closing the window
Here is a screenshot that demonstrates what I am talking about.
( I am a new user so I cant post images )
Has you can see I left my plugin's page and went to the Firebreath website and the image still persists.
This problem happens on both windows and linux, much less frequently on linux, and happens when using both directx and opengl. But only happens on chrome.
Just wondering if you, or anybody else, has any thoughts, suggestions, or insights as to what might be happening. I've tried everything including atrocious hacks and nothing seems to work.
Thank you.