We have a central password repository that we use for all non person accounts. They are kept in account documents that have encrypted password fields that correspond with the service type, i.e. Development, Sandbox, Acceptance or Production. We are experiencing some issues with different versions of the Notes Client. For example, if your admins run an agent that encrypts a document, they have to be running the same client version as the Server. This is a problem from time to time as they upgrade servers. Is there a better way of doing this or is there a way to workaround this?
Added 5/2/2012: Our servers are all on 8.5.3 (not upgrade pack 1 yet) and our admins were running 8.5.2 clients. So our problem came in when they tried to run an agent locally that attempted to encrypt one of the documents. It took quite a while to isolate the exact error, as we had to comment out all error handling to finally get Notes to give us the correct error, which was something to the affect of an encryption version error. Anyway, I think we can solve our issues by upgrading the client version our admins are running.