
So, i basicaly have this formula:

=VLOOKUP(A2;Imena!$A$1:$C$208;2;)&" "&VLOOKUP(A2;Imena!$A$1:$C$208;3;)

It combines First and Last name of a user from Sheet "Imena" based on a A2 value

Now, i would like to do anouther Vlookup like this:

=VLOOKUP(__result of first vlookup__;Sheet2!$N$2:$O$940;1;FALSE)

Based on the result of first lookup, do another... How can that be done? I tried formating the cells, nothing... Adding -- in front of VLOOKUP (read that online), didnt help...

Maybe someone of you knows the answer?

Unfortunately, none of the below didnt work, i ended up creating a temp sheet with only values of the first VLOOKUP, then using the data in another VLOOKUP. maybe its my Excel, i dont know... Thanks all anyways...Peraklo

3 Answers


Although it doesn't really answer OPs question, I came across this thread while looking for a similar answer. I have a formula that returns a number, then I do a vLookup of that number, expect it doesn't work. What I figured out was that you need to put value() around your lookup_value, like this:


The issue is that the value in J9 was text, instead of a number.


Try this:

=VLOOKUP((VLOOKUP(A2,'Imena'!$A$1:$C$208,2,FALSE)&" "&VLOOKUP(A2,'Imena'!$A$1:$C$208,3,FALSE)),'Sheet2'!$N$2:$O$940,1,FALSE)

If e.g. cell A1 holds your first formula, then just insert a reference to A1 in your second formula.
Alternatively, just insert your first formula in its entirety (except for the equal sign) in your second formula.

Note that in your second formula your range_lookup is FALSE, so your table_array Sheet2!$N$2:$O$940 does not need to be sorted.
Using FALSE here also means that VLOOKUP will find an exact match. If one is not found, the error value #N/A is returned.
—> So please mind e.g. any whitespace differences (trailing spaces) between your lookup value vs. the values in your lookup array…