
I have a grid which uses a remote store and remote pagination because I have too many records.The store for the main grid is:

Ext.define('ArD.store.RecordsListStore', {

    extend: 'Ext.data.Store',
    model: 'ArD.model.RecordsListModel',

    autoLoad: true,
    autoSync: true,
    remoteSort: true,
    remoteFilter: true,

    pageSize: 15,

    proxy: {
        type: 'ajax',
        actionMethods: 'POST',
        api: {
            read:  g_settings.baseUrl + 'index.php/recordslist/getAll',

            destroy: g_settings.baseUrl + 'index.php/recordslist/deleteRecord'
        reader: {
            type: 'json',
            root: 'data',
            totalProperty: 'totalCount',
            successProperty: 'success'  
        writer: {
            root: 'data',
            writeAllFields: true,
            encode: true


then I populate my grid and and it's all fine. But the problem is that I have a combobox which looks like this:

                            xtype: 'combo',
                            id: 'records_list_form_id',
                            emptyText: 'Choose Form',
                            editable: false,
                            store: 'FilterRecordsByForm',
                            displayField: 'title',
                            valueField: 'id',
                            lastQuery: '',
                            triggerAction: 'all',
                            queryMode: 'remote',
                            typeAhead: false,
                            width: 200,
                            listeners: {
                                select: this._filterRecords

And when I select something from the combobox there's the function :

_filterRecords: function()
        var recStore =  Ext.getStore('RecordsListStore');
        var a = Ext.getCmp('records_list_form_id').getValue( );
        var rec = Ext.getStore('FilterRecordsByForm').getAt(a);

mostly just trying some things but I can get the ID of the selected element from the combobox and that is where I am.

What I need is having the id to make a new query usign my AJAX api (PHP/SQL backend) and populate the grid with the info related with this id. In my case I have 1:M relations so when I pass the Id i expect M records which I want to render on the place of the old grid.




2 Answers


Use filter() method. Provide information that you need to filter by and store object will automatically request updated info from the server (you already have remoteFilter configured).


Look at Ext.Ajax() to make an on-demand ajax call to the server-side to load up your data and then use Store.loadData() or something like that to re-populate the Grid.