I am trying to get straight in my head how tree traversals can be used to uniquely identify a tree, and the crux of it seems to be whether the tree is a vanilla Binary Tree (BT), or if it also has the stricter stipulation of being a Binary Search Tree (BST). This article seems to indicate that for BT's, a single inorder, preorder and postorder traversal will not uniquely identify a tree (uniquely means structure and values of keys in this context). Here is a quick summary of the article:
1. We can uniquely reconstruct a BT with preorder + inorder and postorder + inorder.
2. We can also use preorder + postorder if we also stipulate that the traversals keeps track of the null children of a node.
(an open question (for me) is if the above is still true if the BT can have non-unique elements)
3. We cannot use inorder for a unique id. We need inorder + preorder, or inorder + postorder.
Now, (finally) my question is, can we use just pre-order or just post-order to uniquely identify a BST? I think that we can, since this question and answer seems to say yes, we can use preorder, but any input much appreciated.