
I am working on an Arduino Mega 2560 project. At a Windows 7 PC I am using the Arduino1.0 IDE. I need to establish a serial Bluetooth communication with a baud rate of 115200. I need to receive an interrupt when data is available at RX. Every piece of code I have seen use “polling”, which is placing a condition of Serial.available inside Arduino’s loop. How can I replace this approach at Arduino’s loop for an Interrupt and its Service Routine? It seems that attachInterrupt() does not provides for this purpose. I depend on an Interrupt to awake the Arduino from sleep mode.

I have developed this simple code that is supposed to turn on a LED connected to the pin 13.

    #include <avr/interrupt.h> 
    #include <avr/io.h> 
    void setup()
       pinMode(13, OUTPUT);     //Set pin 13 as output

       UBRR0H = 0;//(BAUD_PRESCALE >> 8); // Load upper 8-bits of the baud rate value into the high byte of the UBRR register 
       UBRR0L = 8; // Load lower 8-bits of the baud rate value into the low byte of the UBRR register 
       UCSR0C |= (1 << UCSZ00) | (1 << UCSZ10); // Use 8-bit character sizes 
       UCSR0B |= (1 << RXEN0) | (1 << TXEN0) | (1 << RXCIE0);   // Turn on the transmission, reception, and Receive interrupt      

    void loop()
      //Do nothing

      digitalWrite(13, HIGH);   // Turn the LED on          

The problem is that the subroutine is never served.

What does your question have to do with bluetooth? Seems like you are just asking how to use a regular UART with interrupts?TJD

3 Answers


Finally I have found my problem. I changed the interruption vector "USART0_RXC_vect" by USART0_RX_vect. Also I added interrupts(); to enable the global interrupt and it is working very well.

The code is:

#include <avr/interrupt.h> 
#include <avr/io.h> 
void setup()
   pinMode(13, OUTPUT); 

   UBRR0H = 0; // Load upper 8-bits of the baud rate value into the high byte of the UBRR register 
   UBRR0L = 8; // Load lower 8-bits of the baud rate value into the low byte of the UBRR register 
   UCSR0C |= (1 << UCSZ00) | (1 << UCSZ10); // Use 8-bit character sizes 
   UCSR0B |= (1 << RXEN0) | (1 << TXEN0) | (1 << RXCIE0);   // Turn on the transmission, reception, and Receive interrupt      

void loop()


  digitalWrite(13, HIGH);   // set the LED on
  delay(1000);              // wait for a second

Thanks for the replies!!!!


Did you try that code and it didn’t work? I think the problem is that you haven’t turned on interrupts. You could try calling sei(); or interrupts(); in your setup function.


Just after UBRR0L = 8 instead of this:

 UCSR0C |= (1 << UCSZ00) | (1 << UCSZ01);

change to this:

 UCSR0C |= (1 << UCSZ00) | (1 << UCSZ10);