
I've placed in my MainWindow a StackPanel, which gets dynamically on runtime new UserControls (the UserControl is a row of TextBoxes and a button named "Delete"). This is about how I create the UserControls:

PersonObject p = new PersonObject;

UserControlLine usrCtrlLine = new UserControlLine();
usrCtrlLine.DataContext = p;


Now the UserControl contains Textboxes like this:
TextBox TextWrapping="Wrap" Grid.Column="1" Text="{Binding Path=Firstname, Mode=TwoWay}"

My questions are, how can I let the UserControl
- Remove itself from the StackPanel ("get deleted")
- Delete the PersonObject p which is bound to it?

Thanks a lot!


1 Answers


I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do here... You want to display a list of persons in the StackPanel ? You should use a ItemsControl, define its ItemsPanel as a StackPanel, and its ItemTemplate as a UserControlLine :

<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding ListOfPersons}">
      <StackPanel IsItemsHost="True"/>

To delete an item, you just remove it from the collection of persons, and the associated UserControlLine will also be removed from the ItemsControl (the collection should be an ObservableCollection)